Dominique M. Pittenger, PhD, AC
[email protected]
PhD, General Engineering University of Oklahoma – 2012
M.S., Construction Administration University of Oklahoma, 2010
B.S., Construction Science – University of Oklahoma, 2002 with distinction
Associate Constructor – American Institute of Constructors, 2002
Areas of Expertise
Cost Estimating
Planning and scheduling
Pavement preservation
Life cycle cost analysis
Asphalt pavement design and testing
Concrete pavement design and testing
Alternative project delivery methods
Recent Publications:
Zhan, Y., Q. Li, D. M. Pittenger, K. Wang. “Panel Models for Pavement Friction of Major Preventive Maintenance Treatments” International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2018.
Pittenger, D.M., “Sustainable Airport Pavements,” Chapter: Climate Change, Sustainability, Energy, and Transportation Infrastructure. ISBN: 978-3-662-44718-5 (Print), Springer-Verlag Inc., Berlin, Germany, 2014.
Pittenger, D.M., D.D. Gransberg, M. Zaman and C. Riemer,“Stochastic Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Pavement Preservation Treatments,” Transportation Research Record, National Academies, Washington, D.C. 2012.
Pittenger, D.M. “Evaluate Airport Pavement Maintenance/Preservation Treatment Sustainability Using Life-Cycle Cost, Raw Material Consumption and ‘Greenroads’ Standards,” Transportation Research Record, National Academies, Washington, D.C. Issue 2206, 2011, pp 61-68.
Pittenger, D.M., D.D. Gransberg, M. Zaman and C. Riemer, ”Life Cycle Cost-Based Pavement Preservation Treatment Design,”, Transportation Research Record, National Academies, Washington, D.C. Issue 2235, 2011, pp 28-35.
Pittenger, D.M. “Chapter II: Life-Cycle Cost Calculation Methods,” Chapter II Editor. AACE International Professional Practice Guide on Life Cycle Cost Analysis. 2011.
Selected Research Projects:
Principal Investigator: “Development of Aggregate Characteristics-Based Preventative Maintenance Treatments using 3D Laser Imaging and Aggregate Imaging Technology for Optimized Skid Resistance of Pavements,” ODOT, 2015-2018.
Principal Investigator: “Evaluate Airport Pavement Maintenance/Preservation Treatment Sustainability Using Life-Cycle Cost, Raw Material Consumption and ‘Greenroads’ Standards,” Airport Cooperative Research Program Project, Transportation Research Board, 2009-2010.
Co-Principal Investigator: “Airport Maintenance Roles in Design, Construction, Commissioning, and Activation,” Airport Cooperative Research Program Project 09-07, Transportation Research Board, 2012-2014.
Co-Principal Investigator: “Develop Draft Chip Seal Cover Aggregate Specification Based on AIMS Angularity, Shape and Texture Test Results,” 2009-2010, Oklahoma DOT Research Project# FFY2012-PS01
Co-Principal Investigator: “Quantify the Costs and Benefits of Pavement Retexturing as a Pavement Preservation Tool, Phases I&II,” 2009-2011, OTCREOS9.1-21.
Research Associate: “NCHRP 20-07/Task 373: Utility Coordination Using Alternative Contracting Methods,” TRB, NCHRP, 2016–2017.
Research Associate: “Sustainable Pavement Maintenance Practices,” NCHRP Project 41-04, Transportation Research Board 2009-2010.
Research Associate:“Microsurfacing Best Practices,” NCHRP Project 41-12, TRB, 2009-2010.
Professional Experience:
Estimator/Project Manager/Office Engineer/Contract Administrator, Broce Construction/Manufacturing Company, Oklahoma and Kansas. 2001 – 2010.
Academic Experience:
Research Assistant Professor, Gallogly College of Engineering, University of Oklahoma; 2012-present; Research Associate, Gallogly College of Engineering, University of Oklahoma; 2011-2012; Adjunct Professor, Construction Science Division, University of Oklahoma; 2008-2012.